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Turner Ridge Baptist is a mission minded church. We support the Cooperative Program



Wednesday Night Prayer Services. Email Prayer Chain

Care Unit


Freddie Brown and Bro. Dale lead in a Sunday morning service at the Careunit in Falmouth every Sunday Morning . 

Sunday school




Robin Koettel and Kim Bastin lead our youth group every Sunday Evening in a time of fellowship and study starting @ 5:30PM.


Jeff Baumgartner is our High School Youth Sunday School teacher for grades 9-12.


Donnie Gabbard is the Middle School Youth Sunday School teacher for grades 6-8.


Our youth group is active in the community and in missions. Come join them as they seek to bring Glory to God in their service to Him.


Every 4th Saturday of the month there is a Contemporary service @ 7pm with a youth empahsis . although all ages are encouraged to attend and woship with us. Guest speakers from Clear Creek Colege lead in these, along with our Praise team. Sandy Gabbard, Loran Brown and Richard Osterlind play in the praise band as Michela Wright, Robin Koettel and Brady Koettel lead in the singing.




Community service



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